Mass Times

Student Mass Schedule
Mass Schedule:
- Sunday: 8pm at Sibley Chapel on Lindenwood University Campus
- Monday: 4pm at Catholic Student Center
- Tuesday: 5:30pm at Catholic Student Center
- Wednesday: 12pm at Sibley Chapel on Lindenwood University Campus
Eucharistic Adoration at Catholic Student Center
- Monday: 3pm – 4pm
- Wednesday: 7pm - 8pm
- Thursday: 9am - 3pm
Confession Schedule
- Sunday: 7-7:55pm at Sibley Chapel on Lindenwood University Campus
- Monday: 3-3:50pm at Catholic Student Center
- Thursday: 12:30-1:30pm at Catholic Student Center
Confession also available by appointment, or anytime at all upon request!
Sibley Chapel on Lindenwood University Campus
We celebrate Mass on Sundays at Sibley Chapel. In order to find Sibley Chapel, type "Sibley Hall" into Google Maps or Apple Maps and the entrance door to the chapel will face northeast. Parking can be found in the lower lots.
Schedule at Nearby Parishes
Students are welcome to attend mass or confession at nearby parishes. Here are the nearby parishes, addresses and schedules.
St. Peter Catholic Church
221 1st Capitol Drive, St. Charles, Missouri
St. Charles Borromeo
601 N. 4th Street, St. Charles, Missouri
Sunday Masses
- 7am (St. Peter)
- 8am (St. Charles Borromeo)
- 10am (St. Peter)
- 11am (St. Charles Borromeo)
- 12:30pm Spanish (St. Charles Borromeo)
Weekday Masses
- Monday - Friday: 630am (St. Peter) and 8am (St. Charles Borromeo)
- Saturday: 8am (St. Charles Borromeo) and 5pm Vigil (St. Peter)
- Tuesday: 6-7pm (St. Peter)
- Wednesday: 5-6pm (St. Charles Borromeo)
- Saturday: after 8am Mass (St. Charles Borromeo) and 3:30-5pm (St. Peter)